Monday, October 13, 2014

Payton {1 Year Old}

Okay so maybe it's more like 1 year and three months old… close enough haha.  My Mom made this beautiful dress for the fair this summer, and had every intention of giving it to my niece Rose.  Well the dress was too small for her, and is perfect for my little Peanut!  It's got enough room that she can wear it as a Christmas dress this winter!!  I love this dress so much because my Mom made me an identical one when I was her age.   Mine was checkered as well but blue and red.  I feel so lucky that Payton will have pretty dresses handmade by Grandma just like I did!  And at a certain age she won't like them anymore… just like I did haha.  So here are a few pictures of my precious girl in her special dress!


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 She was getting a little warm, so we got rid of the dress, but she wouldn't let me take of the sparkly pink shoes! 

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 This was my little helper, he's the one who kept getting Payton to look in my direction!

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DeWit Family Photos {45th Anniversary}

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I was asked to take photos as a gift to these two for their 45th Wedding Anniversary!  That is a long time!  It's fun to see how much their family has grown since!  Look at all these grandchildren!  These guys were great to work with.  It took us only an hour to get everything we wanted, including individual pictures of all the grandkids for Grandma and Grandpa's wall!  Lots of smiles and laughs!  I felt pretty honoured to take these for them!  Enjoy!


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If you combine the last 8 families together this is what you get!!


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26 Grandkids!  I'd say that's a pretty awesome accomplishment in 45 years!!

Lance & Beth {06.27.14}

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It took me a minute to realize where I knew Lance from… His sisters Cayle's Wedding!  Their family has grown by A LOT in the past few years since I saw them all.  



They were just as much fun to photograph as they were back than!  Beth was a stunning bride, and we lucked out (just as we did at Cayle's wedding) that the weather cooperated with us, just long enough to get our pictures in!  

I always love when I get asked by a family that has had me before… means I did something right!  Hope you enjoy a little peek into Lance & Beth's special day!



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DCS Grad 2014

So very behind on the blog… no surprise there!  But here are some happy ladies and gentlemen that i had the joy of photographing!  Graduation is something that is both exciting and somewhat overwhelming.  Where am I going next, who do I want to be when I grow up?  I know I didn't have a clue (and that was a good long while ago)  It made me feel just a BIT old realizing that these guys started Kindergarten the year I graduated…  Wow.  Okay enough about that!  I had a fun day with this group and once we had them all in the same place pictures were a breeze!  There are hundreds more photos than this, but I figured I would focus on the group shots!  Enjoy!


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